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God’s plan for a Come to Zion Ministry trip to Holland


If you think God does not control our lives, read on!!


In December of 2002 I travelled to Kenya with David Silver from Out of Zion Ministries to help him with a seminar and a few meetings. We flew KLM. At the gate there was a sign up for the frequent flyer program. As result my name was put in for a drawing.


In Feb 2003 I received a letter from KLM telling me I had won a free trip to Amsterdam. Lucky   me ! I fly KLM anyway and the flights back to Israel from any where in the world get to Amsterdam airport about 6 AM and the flights to Israel leave at 7PM . I always take the train into Amsterdam to spend the day. I know Amsterdam almost like I know Haifa.


Just what I needed, a trip to Amsterdam.


Little did I know that God arranged that ticket.


I called KLM when I had to travel to the USA and asked for a ticket from Amsterdam to the USA figuring to use the free ticket to and from Amsterdam. Another surprise, the ticket from Holland to the USA was more expensive than a ticket from Israel to the USA. I put the free ticket in a desk drawer and forgot about it. The ticket was good for 1  year and had an expiration date of Feb 25,2004. 


During the year I thought about the ticket every now and then and thought what a shame I didn’t have a reason to go to Amsterdam for even a few days.


In  November I received a phone call from an Arab Christian Pastor in Haifa. They needed a website and wanted to set up a radio station to broadcast on the internet the WORD in Arabic to all the world. I told him I would see what I could do. He now has that radio station and I set one up just to learn how to help him do it.


I decided to take the idea a little further and established IFBN . Inspired Faith Broadcasting Network Ministry. The name came from another ministry I had given a free domain name and web space because they couldn’t afford it. In the end they chose a different name which left me with


We started to broadcast on the internet and to send out e-mails to people telling them about the station and inviting singers who would like their music played to send us music.


One day I received an e-mail from Holland, from a ministry called Tesjoeva ( te shu va) in Hebrew means "to return". They broadcast on Dutch radio two hours every Sunday. They play music for Believers and have interviews. Cathrina explained, they wanted to be on the internet and wanted to know how much I charged for playing their program. We sent a few e-mails back and forth and I remembered the free ticket.


I told her I would come to Holland and we could work everything out. She liked that idea  and told me I would receive an e-mail from Jack van der Tang of Pillar of Fire Ministry. They run an Israel Evening once a month in the Hague. He invited me to come speak  on the 19th of February. I said sure.


After sending my references, we made concrete plans. A few days later, he called and asked if I like to travel by car. I said sure. Then he told me he had arranged for me to speak at a different place each night starting on Monday night. I agreed, I could see there was a purpose to this trip and God had arranged all of it. He said, "Go to Holland" so I went.


What a blessed trip. I met wonderful people and God blessed our Ministry internet radio station with two computers which we badly needed. A brand new Pentium 4 and a used notebook computer.


Thank you Father for all that you do for us. Amen

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